Explore Aggieland
Whether you choose to visit campus through a tour or on your own, you can find where you belong at Texas A&M University. Read our recommendations for must-see stops and other important tips for exploring Aggieland.
Experience Aggieland
Discover why Aggieland is frequently ranked as one of the top college towns in America. From historic Downtown Bryan, Texas, to our hometown of College Station, there is plenty to do and see.
Discover Texas A&M Through a Tour
Learn about everything Texas A&M has to offer during an in-person campus visit. Our Howdy Crew tour guides will share information about Aggie traditions, academic resources, living and dining options and campus landmarks.
Find out more about touring Texas A&MExplore on Your Own
If you prefer exploring at your own pace, we have resources to help you navigate campus and make the most of your visit. The Destination Aggieland App provides timely information about things to do while in town, traffic conditions, parking options and shuttle bus routes.
Must-See Stops to Explore
- Explore the , which honors and preserves the legacy of the 41st U.S. president.
- Sign up for a and get unique, behind-the-scenes access to restricted areas of the stadium.
- Stroll through , which serve as an outdoor classroom and research facility, as well as a serene place to relax, study and enjoy nature.
Dine on Campus
Texas A&M is home to several on-campus dining options for students, parents and visitors. Our dining halls offer food that complies with vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, soy-free and other dietary concerns.
Dine off Campus
Bryan and College Station are home to a wide variety of restaurants. From the locally owned and operated diners of historic Downtown Bryan to your favorite national chains, there’s something for everyone in Aggieland.
Stay on Campus
For the ultimate convenience, book your stay at the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center near the Appelt Aggieland Visitor Center in the heart of campus.
Lodging in Bryan and College Station
Bryan and College Station both offer excellent lodging close to campus.
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